3. Commercial or home-based business?
4. Business type:
6. Do you renew your annual business license application with the City of Johns Creek in person or online?
7. Do you understand the OTF (Occupational Tax & Fees) structure and fee amounts for your business?
8. Is the OTF (Occupational Tax & Fees) detrimental to doing business in Johns Creek compared to other communities?
10. Are there any city ordinances or codes that are detrimental to your business? If yes, please describe:
11. Does your business have a budget?
12. Does your business have a business plan?
13. Does your business have the ability to cover operating expenses for at least 6 months without any additional revenue?
14. Was your business impacted by COVID-19?
15. If you own a commercial business, did you participate in the JC CARES Business Grant Program?
16. Would you like to speak directly with a member of either the Business License office or Office of Economic Development? If so, please leave a comment and your contact information.
Business Address
Do you use Johns Creek as the city in your address?