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Juneteenth Planning Committee

Thank you for your interest in helping plan this year’s Juneteenth Celebration! Interested individuals must complete this form by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 31.

The kick-off Planning Committee meeting will be held on April 4, 2024 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. Subcommittee meetings will be scheduled following the first meeting.

Please read the description for each subcommittee, then rank them in order of preference. City staff will do their best to assign everyone their first or second choice preference.

Subcommittee Options:


  • Provide input on logo and banner designs for marketing materials related to the event. This might include T-shirts, a photo booth, flyers, or other items.


  • Utilize networks to perform outreach and recruit sponsorships for the event.


  • Assist with recruiting and selecting performers for the celebration.

Vendor Selection (Food/Beverage and Retail)

  • Assist with recruiting and selecting food and beverage vendors as well as retailers for the event.


  • Assist with recruitment of volunteers and volunteer management and assignments on the day of the event.
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