Prior to inspection of the mobile food unit, an application must be submitted for approval. An inspection shall be required before the mobile food unit permitted to operate in Johns Creek. The following is a list of requirements:
- Has fire suppression system had its annual inspection and six-month cleaning
- Does fire suppression system have current Blue Tag?
- Has the hood been cleaned (every six month) and does it have an inspection sticker?
- Is there a Class K fire extinguisher and does it have current ag (1 year)?
- Is there a 2A-20BC Fire Extinguisher and does it have current tag (1 year)?
- Are extinguishers mounted and accessible?
- Are all tanks properly secure and have been serviced (requalified) with current stamps?
- Are compresses gas fuel lines in good condition and stamped for use?
- Have proof of insurance?
- Are circuits protected by GFI outlets or breaker?
After passing fire inspection, you must apply for an operational permit at City Hall. Revenue will have a copy of your inspection unless you're operating under a special event permit.
Please call 678-512-3363 at least 48 hours in advance to request a mobile food unit inspection.